Professional Development for Teachers Without a Salary Schedule

Professional Development for Teachers Without a Salary Schedule

By David Bruno, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources 
Glen Ellyn School District 41

Jennifer Ng
Human Resource Manager 
Glen Ellyn School District 41

Brian O'Keeffe, Ed.D., CSBO, SFO
Asst. Supt./Business Operations 
Wheaton CUSD 200

In the world of public education, there is no one-size fits all approach to our contract partnerships with local and state education associations. Many districts use a traditional salary schedule that is built out over the life of the contract, where each returning employee is moved down a “step” on the schedule. Other districts have moved away from a traditional salary schedule and developed a starting salary rate for new hires and agreed to annual increases for all members in lieu of following a salary schedule. No one answer is correct. The key to finding common ground is centralized around what is good for the district in question. Below are examples of two districts that have moved away from traditional salary schedules and what was put in place to attract and retain certified professionals after that change was made.

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